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Retrieve GET Parameters

We recommend using the POST method to call cloud functions because of the more types and the more significant amount of data that can be passed this way.

Of course, there are cases (e.g., when acting as a Webhook interface) where a GET call is required. In these cases, the params type is Object, representing the parameters attached to the URL (i.e. Query String).


All values in a GET request are of type string or Array<string>, i.e., params.a === '1' when passed a=1.

For example, for the following cloud function:

module.exports = async function(params, context) {
  return {
    method: context.method,
    paramsFromGet: params
module.exports = async function(params, context) {
  return {
    method: context.method,
    paramsFromGet: params

After deployment, send a GET request:

curl -X GET \
curl -X GET \

Will get the following result.

  "method": "GET",
  "paramsFromGet": {
    "hello": "world",
    "abc": [ "xyz", "123" ]
  "method": "GET",
  "paramsFromGet": {
    "hello": "world",
    "abc": [ "xyz", "123" ]